Past 100 Days – Time for a New Challenge!

I met the 100 Day Challenge of not drinking alcohol on June 28th. There were many other aspects to the challenge that I did not accomplish – cardio 3x/week, yoga 3x/week, meditation 1x/week, no sweets. Looking back, it was too much for me to take on all at once.

But I didn’t drink. And I’ve run three 5ks since my last post – one at the Wild Animal Sanctuary on June 1st, one for the Kawasaki Kids Foundation on June 7th, and the Wonder Woman 5k on July 14th (which, incidentally, was on the exact same date as my very first 5k race last year – the Mullet 5k at the Denver County Fair).

I did the best at Wonder Woman – 30:56. Not terrible. Still not my best. It was a fun, flat course though very, very hot. I had hardly trained for it at all.

And of course, as soon as the 100 Days was over, I started drinking again. And drinking just does not promote a healthy lifestyle. I think I’ve had a drink every day for the past 10 days. And it was nice to just kind of let go, not care, eat pizza and tacos and pizza rolls and takeout Thai food and Noodles & Co. without a thought. But when you add it all up, it doesn’t feel good.

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary. We spent it going on a challenging and beautiful hike at Golden Gate Canyon State Park. While we hiked, we talked about our future. We talked about drinking and health. And we committed to take another 30 days off of alcohol, paired with 30 days of at-home yoga practice in the mornings. I had one last beer with my Noodles dinner last night, and woke up this morning ready to re-embrace a healthier lifestyle.

We woke up at 5am. We did a 29:00 minute video together. We let the cats have a good, long time outside in the cool morning air. We drank coffee and brushed our teeth and packed our lunch and started our Monday feeling…lighter. More in control.

I am also committed to watch my portion sizes. I have a plan that I am confident I can stick to. I will ride my bike to work tomorrow morning and meet a friend at the Denver Botanic Gardens after work. I will do my very best for these 30 days. And I will do it with my partner. And that will be better.

I’m 129.8 lbs today. I’m shooting to get back under 120 lbs. I believe I can get there by staying committed every day.